This year as part of the day to raise some extra money we decided to do a raffle after the walk, but for this we needed some raffle prizes so Claire wrote an e-mail for some help - I then set about finding companies to send the e-mails to and filled in online forms too, we got quite a good response and some companies gave quite generously these include - Nestle Purina Pet care, Naturecare, Twycross Zoo, Wagg, Johnsons Veterinary, Ancol, Lily's Kitchen, Butchers, The Bespoke Dog Bakery, the netpetshop and Chudleys - Fish4Dogs also provided us with free samples of treats and bags that we gave out at the end of the walk - special thanks go to all of these companies and for everyone who donated items on the day without you the raffle would not have been possible... You can find links to all of these companies on my links page!
Lily's Kitchen and underneath
Christine's Beagle Cards
The raffle table with the Wagg food and Hills donated by Naturecare.
Goodies from - The Bespoke Dog Bakery, Ancol, Netpetshop
and Johnsons Veterinary
And no raffle would be complete without a few bottles
The walk
We started setting up for the walk at 9:30am in the rain luckily we had plenty of Gazebo's for shelter once they were up of course, there was Beagle Welfare merchandise for sale, A Lucky Dip, The Raffle and Beagle cards to sell produced by Christine Hartland which you can find the link for on my link page, all proceeds to Beagle Welfare
As the morning went on people and their lovely beagles started to arrive what a wonderful sight it was despite the wet weather.
At 10:30am the walk Started and we were off on our hours walk just after we set off the rain stopped and it suddenly went warm - even the sun made an appearence
All of the beagles had a wonderful walk lots of good sniffs all the way around
When we arrived back to the start it was time for some food and a drink for 30 minutes and then we had some novelty classes it was such good fun and at 50p per entry even more money raised for such a good cause a special thank you goes out to Nicky Stewart for kindly making the beautiful rosettes for the classes.
Here are the novelty classes
All in a days work for a beagle
Decisions, Decisions!!!
And here with just two weeks until her 10th birthday is one of the winners Lizzie - looking very proud and rightly so!!
After the classes were complete it was time for the raffle we had so many lovely prizes that most people went home with something it makes taking part all the more fun
Here are two of the lucky winners winning a Kong toy
After the raffle people chatted, took photo's and exchanged beagle stories - it was a wondeful day the day itself raised £560 from Donations for attending, the Lucky Dip, The raffle, sale of Merchandise and the Novelty classes - currently people have also donated £177 on the walks JustGiving page which can also be found here should anyone want to donate Claire Buckels is fundraising for Beagle Welfare
So all in all thats a wonderful total of £737 which will go towards caring for and rehoming beagles in need.
Maybe after reading this you would consider joining us on next years walk details of these will be on the beagle welfare website, next year for all beagle welfare events please take a look you can even become a member of beagle welfare and recieve 2 issues of beagle welfare's magazine "In full cry"
which is always a lovely read - but don't take my word for it just follow the link and explore all you want Beagle Welfare
Thank you and hopefully see you next year for more beagle fun!!!!!!